37 Tips to Make Content Creation for Marketing Easier
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Content marketing has been shown to be an effective means of marketing for businesses of all sizes. By creating and distributing high-quality content, businesses can attract new customers and retain existing ones.
Content creation can be done with ease these days because there’s so much information available on the internet. But producing great content is a bit challenging- it takes something that catches your attention and makes you want to read more. So, whether you’re trying to develop a content strategy or simply planning for your digital content, we can help you.
In this article, we’ll give you tips on how you can generate content that will be applicable to any kind of content for different social media platforms, regardless of what audience you’re trying to reach. We’ll be your guide to content creation! By following our tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating quality information that will help your business succeed!
Here are 37 Tips that can make the process of creating your marketing content easier.
1. Write about what you know well to create better content
Every ounce of your knowledge, no matter how small, can be big news for someone who is unfamiliar with topic.
Being a content creator myself it’s great to challenge ourselves and expand our horizons, but if you wish to do well with material, it’s best to focus on subjects that are of most interest to you. If there’s no passion behind your writing, it’s going to be difficult to get others excited about what you need to say.
2. Use the delivery method you’re most comfortable with, to make content creation easier
If you prefer to write, concentrate on composing. If you prefer talking, do more audio and/or video recordings. Once again, it’s excellent to stretch and get out of your comfort zone now and then, but for everyday publishing, utilise the communication medium that lets you put your best foot forward.
3. There is no harm in asking for help with content creation
Don’t attempt to do everything yourself. Regardless of your ability to write, some things are going to fall through the cracks. Different types of content require different types of approach, maybe you’re not doing it the way it’s supposed to be done.
Get assistance so you can focus on growing your business and keep your peace of mind while doing so.
4. Start jotting down ideas for future social media posts and articles in a specific place
This could be on your phone, in a diary or notebook. Keep it close by and note conversations, client challenges, and even questions you get asked internally and externally. Because your answers, your solutions and your observations are perfect content that is unique, and relevant and is the best way to showcase your expertise.
5. Securing guest writers can be a huge help in content creation
The majority of us understand by now that we can secure free material from other site owners. Guest bloggers will write initial content for you, in return for a by-line promotion and links back to their site.
Having a guest blogger indicates you can offer differing points of view and bring brand-new expertise to your readers.
6. Hire a guest blog writer
Instead of depending on totally free bloggers, you may pick to work with somebody for pay instead. Content creation can be tricky and great content usually isn’t free. They still get a by-line and at the same time hiring a professional you can ensure a steady stream of material.
7. Interviewing somebody helps you get your content finished
If you’re stuck on material concepts, simply have a discussion. This can help you especially when working on content you’re unfamiliar with. A taped and/or transcribed interview can be an excellent source of material.
8. Plan and create the content topics in batches
Sitting at a keyboard scratching your head never did anybody anything. Instead of pertaining to the computer system and choosing what to write right before you compose it, prepare your topics ahead of time. By preparing them in batches, it’s much easier to come up with more ideas.
Plus, you can quickly form your content topics around your product promos and create continuous series that your readers will keep coming back for.
9. Content creation can be made easy using an editorial calendar
Get all those content strategies and concepts arranged in an editorial calendar. You can do this on paper, in a spreadsheet or even a Word document. There are plenty of free resources that can help you in content creation.
Add this to your content creation process and you’ll be surprised at how much you’ll improve in terms of efficiency.
10. Create content in batches
Think about it, you wouldn’t be pulling one weed from the garden at a time, you would generally do a few. The same goes for the writing process. It’s a lot easier to compost a batch of posts or articles once you get “on a roll” with your writing. It also means that you can effectively create a connection between the content to keep your readers interested from piece to piece.
11. Schedule a time to create content
If you approach your days believing that the time to write will immediately present itself, it most likely won’t. Schedule your content writing time and stick to it as you do for client meetings so you are getting it done. Add this to your content creation strategy and you’ll start seeing some improvements in your time management.
12. Start creating content when you feel like it
Being a content creator isn’t as easy as everyone thinks. On the other hand, if you just don’t seem like writing one day, don’t worry too much.
Give yourself a break from thinking about fresh content ideas or what piece of content you’ll do next. You do need to beware if you are doing this frequently though. Improving your writing skills takes discipline and practice. Sometimes it’s sort of like a workout. You do not believe you wish to do it, but you will feel better later for sitting down to do it.
13. There are no set rule about the amount of contents or posts you should write
We’re constantly puzzled by rigorous blogging schedules and then we allow ourselves to become frustrated when we can’t fulfil that schedule.
If you need to maintain the number of posts you make in order to bring in consistent sales, then of course you will likely need to be a tad stricter with yourself. Otherwise, your posts and articles are there to act as a supplement to what you already do. So give yourself a break – especially when other crucial business activities require to be taken care of.
14. Work with somebody to do your research
Adding data, resources and realities to your material makes it far more important. Of course, extensive research study is time consuming. You can always hire someone to collect research for you, so you can concentrate on putting the material together.
15. Write what people are interested in to create engaging content
As you participate in conversations through your busy life, or scroll over social media threads, there may be relevant content or something that picks your interest, something many might be asking for. Looking up trending social media content can be a great way to start.
16. Stay up to date with current occasions to gather relevant content
If you’re notified, it’s easier to discover things to talk about. Take note of headings and listen to news broadcasts in your downtime. As you are gaining new knowledge, don’t allow it to take up so much time that you don’t have time to use that knowledge.
17. When you write, just write
Don’t stress over errors – the first draft will always need more work. The words will flow much better if you simply write without fretting about errors, format or any of the other things you can do later on.
18. Get another person to proofread your content piece
Proofreading one’s own work is a difficult task. It’s harder to catch our own mistakes and in some cases, we simply wish to move on to the next thing. If you can’t get another person to check for you, at least read your material aloud to ensure you catch the mistakes. A common trick is to put it into Google Translate and press the microphone so that it can read it out loud to you.
19. Work with an admin to publish your content, disperse and help you get your material out there
Composing is only one piece of the content marketing puzzle. It’s crucial to get as many eyes as possible on our material when publishing content – which takes work.
Find someone to help you with those pesky, yet necessary tasks.
20. Enjoy your rivals and fellow online business owners
Register for RSS feeds, utilise a special e-mail address or arrange a rule to funnel e-mails to a special folder so you can read them later on. Scan headings, and email subject lines for ideas, develop content reactions and more. Creating content is also a competition, make sure you’re ahead.
21. Focus on the most successful content and your most effective content strategy
Take a look at your stats and figure out what your most effective content strategy, and put your focus there. For most of us, that will be e-mail. An email list can be your best source of business, so put your time into growing your list and developing content for your emails.
22. Utilise your special skill in content creation
Regardless of your occupation, you most likely have a creative side, which might be less utilised in your professional life. You may be a keen photographer, any kind of designer, or just have an eye for beautiful or unusual things you come by on the internet or in everyday life. Use your observations as a foundation for your next post.
23. Sharpen your copywriting abilities by using content creation tools
Whether you’re new to copywriting or you’ve been doing it for years, content creation tools can help you sharpen your skills. There are a number of different tools available, each with its own set of features. Some tools are designed to help with the writing process, while others focus on optimizing your content for search engines or social media.
Take a content management system (CMS) for example, it’s a software that helps you manage your website’s content, making it easier for you to publish and share information with others.
No matter what your goals are, there’s a content creation tool that can help you achieve them.
24. Let your audience contribute content creation ideas, content your audience
Ask for questions, have them send pictures and other material for you to take inspiration for the content you create. Not only does this give you free content, it intensifies a sense of neighbourhood and is a win-win for all.
25. The content you want to create doesn’t have to be a literary work of art
We’ve all seen individuals who firmly insist a post requires a certain number of words long or people who believe every piece has to be your best work.
Now, we’re not starting to do a shoddy job – not at all. At the same time, you might have noticed that it’s frequently our fastest posts and the ones we develop on the fly that end up being the most popular. Brevity is an excellent skill to have. Just ask Seth Godin.
26. Visual content is worth a thousand words
Take a glance at your Facebook feed or take note of the increase of Pinterest. People are visual creatures and like images. Get in the routine of developing and sharing other images to create your content. It’s easy to do!
27. Reuse, recycle and in some cases decrease, to create new content
Whether you re-introduce content to your audience or take concepts and bits to develop something new, a lot of what you require is probably already written by you in the past.
Think about all of those times people asked you the same question or a presentation you made for a conference. Those are great materials that you can reuse to create content.
28. Successful content creators conserve their by-lines and utilise them as templates
A great deal of individuals re-use the very same by-line for all the content they write. That certainly is the EASY way to approach it, although most likely not the most reliable.
Each piece of content needs a by-line thoroughly crafted for its topic. To make it easier to craft new by-lines, keep a file with all your by-lines, so you can modify them for each of your specific projects or topic batches.
29. Include content curation to the mix
Who says that your website needs to only have material originated by you?
Using content curation techniques can bring traffic to your website and offer outstanding resources to your audience. This suggests you inform your readers about a helpful resource, post, podcast or any other helpful medium.
It is helpful when you include your own ideas, providing your readers more value and showing you as a fantastic source of material and knowledge.
30. Discover your own efficiency in content creation
There are a great deal of performance systems and ways for you to be more productive. Experiment to discover your most productive times and find out what works for you.
What works for others, might not work for you. So dare to be different for better productivity and improve your content creation process.
31. Master technology and find the right apps for when you’re on the go
If you’re out and about, waiting in line or at the doctor’s, these are great times to increase your efficiency. This practice can help your content significantly in terms of efficiency.
You can download your favourite apps to your phone, so you can compose quick posts or even articles for your blog, jot ideas, make graphics and more.
32. Make a habit of recording content ideas as they come to you
All too often we forget the idea or its relevance for our business. Make the time to take a moment and record the idea you’ve got and a few bullet points around it so when you start writing it’s actually easier to re-gain your thoughts.
33. Creating content without typing
If you’re driving or can’t stop to type, you can always tape your ideas and even create little podcasts or recordings for your audience. Many phones feature a voice recorder, so make the most of technology when the ideas strike.
34. Get your priorities straight
We touched on it earlier, because knowing where to invest your time is necessary. The best guideline we have for you is; deal with your most profitable activities first. That said, don’t drag your feet either. Did you know that perfection is so overrated?
35. Don’t be in a rush, a content comes when the content is ready
Content creation isn’t a race. It’s quality vs quantity. Instead, take your time creating excellent topics, researching them well, creating quality content, having a place for it in your sales and marketing flow and promoting it well.
36. Make everything you do work to grow and become the success of your content
So much of writing is lost when you do not get a possibility to make the most out of each type of content if you are not re-using it and not publishing it in places where more people can see it. There is no point in discussing the benefits of a new powerful vacuum cleaner if you’re in the business of selling fruit.
37. Learn to understand the relationship between content creation and SEO
It’s no good when all the beautiful writing does not help people find you better, faster or for the right reasons. By integrating SEO into your written content, you’re able to help those who are searching the questions you answering.
To discover a path to setting up a perfect content plan, as content for social media differs from website content. Delivering content on three levels to support different sales objectives, book your spot on the upcoming webinar here.
Finally, we want to remind you that promoting your content is essential for getting the word out there. Whether it’s using digital content creation strategies or writing engaging web content, every tool you have at your disposal should be put to use in order to keep readers interested and coming back for more. LinkedIn in particular is a great tool, and if you’re not using it already check out why you can’t afford to not be present there.
Now that you have 37 great tips in your arsenal, I hope the question of “how to create content for marketing” is a thing of the past for you. The final bonus tip is – to hire a professional. We have a number of excellent copywriters who can pick up your slack and ensure you are constantly producing content for your clients to consume. If you’re ready to have a chat, book a 30-minute consult and let’s explore how to get content marketing working for you.