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Overwhelmed with options?
Frustrated that there are not enough hours in the day?
Unclear on where to start and how to finally make marketing support sales without too much stress?
Business is doing well and you want it to keep growing?
Smarketing Lab was created to provide help to businesses which know they need to keep moving ahead but are not sure what is the best way to get it done.
Book a Consult Call to chart a roadmap for your success.
They are your most captive audience which already trusts you and values your products and services. Incidentally, they’re easier to sell more to.
Challenge. Your customers are buying from your competition. We’ve all discovered situations like this.
Solution. Keep in touch, educate to ensure your company is at the top of the mind awareness when it comes to decision making time.
Because they never had to do marketing because sales were "happening". Now everything is different, and word of mouth is not bringing as much business as before.
Jargon and hard to understand concepts are too far away from what they've always known. They know something has to change, but not sure what and how.
There are companies which continue marketing when business is going well. They also invest in marketing at tough times. They are hungry for new ideas, better implementation and proven solutions.
Smarketing Lab can explore and test elements of your sales and marketing to uncover gaps and missed opportunities.
Our talented team of Service Delivery Managers have decades of successful marketing implementation, making us a perfect choice.
Our experience in almost every industry allows us to recommend a winning strategy and create a clear path for you.
Sharing your success is the best feeling we get to experience with people like you.
Did you know we have a process to create a process?This is because we aim to provide consistent quality deliverables for both creative and technical tasks. That means best practice and best result producing actions are always applied.It also makes it easy to scale, introduce new team members.Above all, our process driven operation ensures greater results for you.When you experience the difference of a proven delivery process, you might want to have your own sales and marketing process documented. We can help with that too!
Did you know we are disrupting traditional stale approach to marketing strategy by introducing a totally new understanding.This is because a comprehensive all-encompassing marketing strategy document too often ends up in the bottom draw.We favour modern approach to strategy developed by XYZ, which enables XYZ
Did you know we aim to implement our solutions for you and create a robust process so your business can reap the rewards over and over again?Most marketing companies can develop a great strategy. Most digital marketing companies can do it all for you and achieve results.Only Smarketing Lab is set to deliver a seamless service from strategy to implementation making sure your business is in control. That means we ensure long lasting results for your business.
We’re a team of strategic creative thinkers who are enthusiastic about your business growth. Our unique ideas help B2B companies like yours to achieve success by creating robust sales and marketing process that delivers tangible results.
Did you know we have the largest list of New Zealand businesses verified post-lockdown?Understanding who the right audience is for your products and services is the true foundation of success when it comes to B2B sales and marketing. Back in 2005, we identified the need for a source of accurate business data and this is how whoiswhere™ started. It's now the largest business database in New Zealand with over 200,000 locations. Smarketing Lab is the only marketing agency with an in-house database. This serves as a fantastic resource to give you a competitive advantage.
Coffee anyone? Connect with your target market by sending messages that are timely, relevant and personalised.While there are many ways to connect, you can make better choices when it comes to B2B communication. The tried and true phone call still works. That's why we have a specialised team that can set appointments or pre-qualify your audience. We can guide you to connect with your target market through Social Media. There are many different platforms we can use, such as Facebook or LinkedIn, to help you connect with your target market.
Did you know it’s seven times cheaper to sell to an existing client? Many businesses do not have an established system to stay in touch and educate their clients. It’s comforting to think your clients know all about your products and services; but do they really? Even if your products are well known and services are well established, there is more you can share to inspire existing clients to buy more or recommend you. There is no better strategy than reconnecting with your clients if you want to increase sales.
Te Aro
Strategy is an important part of being ready
The first step in any marketing campaign is understanding who you're going to market to. Having a clear understanding of who this is and the size of the market will allow you to better forecast what kind of result you can expect.
Contact information is constantly changing, people move, change jobs and get new phone numbers.
If your list has been grown organically it's most likely in need of a spruce up.
Once you know who your targeting the next step is to find out how big this market is.
This is especially important when starting out as it will help you decide if your idea is commercially viable. Or when you're thinking of adding a new product/service to your existing offering.
Organically grown lists often end up being haphazardly entered into a spreadsheet or CRM. Often there is a wealth of information not captured - such as industry and number of staff.
We can enrich your existing data, adding contact info and additional information about your current clients that you may not even know.
Lead Generation over the phone is an excellent way to get the finger on the pulse of what your market is currently thinking, and generate some appointments at the same time.
Our experienced team of callers specialises in B2B campaigns to set appointments and elicit email requests.
Note: We don't work with insurance and real estate.
You probably have a Facebook page, now what?
Many companies have pages with no life on them - not a good look. While you may not gain a large number of leads through Facebook, it's an important check for prospects to make sure you're legit.
Content is King. Unfortunately, even Kings aren't always the best at writing their own content.
We've developed a specialty method of content co-creating that gives the best of both worlds: your subject matter expertise, and our copywriting skills.
We also consider SEO when creating content so that it benefits your websites Google ranking.
SEO is something most people aren't really sure about. In a nutshell, it's a group of activities which help Google to identify your website as trustworthy and delivering value. The more you can prove this to Google, the higher they will rank your website.
Many SEO companies over-emphasise building backlinks, but leave content and building quality links to the side.
This is where we slide in - we leave all the technical SEO alone, instead focussing on building up your stable of quality articles and offering ways to build up quality backlinks.
You've probably heard of nurturing campaigns, but do you know what this means and are you using it yourself?
Nurturing campaigns refer to a set of emails sent out automatically to follow up your new leads. This is usually intermingled with phone calls made at specific intervals.
How long do you follow up someone? Do you stop after 30 days? Do you remember to continue touching base every 3 months after that?
If you don't have the patience for this, then automated emails were created with you in mind. These can gently nudge your prospects every three months, and coupled with the occasional phone call will build out a nice pipeline of leads.
Do you regularly speak to your current and past customers? At least every 3 months? And ideally more often.
A newsletter is no longer just for news. These days most companies have diversified to the point where no single customer actually knows everything you do. And why should they! It's not their job to learn about you, it's your job to educate them.
We have a unique method to approaching newsletters which will have you set up with 12 month's worth within 4-6 weeks. A short job and then 10 months of peace, knowing your customers are being taken care of.
Does your product require regular servicing? Do you offer a service that needs to be done at set intervals?
How well do you follow up with your customers to make sure they're rebooking?
A long-term customer care newsletter can take care of this. An excellent example is in trades where some products require a regular clean in order to maintain the warranty. A simple email to remind your customer is all it takes.
Our approach to Strategy aims to solve the biggest business challenge right now. In other words, we create a strategy that can achieve much-needed goals.
B2B Blueprint for Growth
Express B2B Strategy
Bespoke In-depth Strategy
Targeted Business List
Clean and Update Your Data
Market Validation
Grow Your List
Size Your Market
Review and Improve Content
Article Monthly
Email Sequence
Graphic Design
Social Media posts
Website Content
B2B Media Channel
Course Creation
Lead Generation Consult
Appointments Setting
AI Chatbot
Facebook Competition
Keep In Touch
Fast Response
Ecommerce Upsell
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