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Marketing Supports Sales for Business Growth
Marketing services delivered by #TeamTalent
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Marketing done for you, with you

Smarketing Solutions In Detail:

Step 1

Right Audience

Step 2

Relevant Content

Step 3

Repetitive Connections

Step 4

Relentless Follow Up


Relentless Follow Up

If you doubt that the money is in follow up, think again. Unless you have a transactional type of sale, most B2B sales are complex, require connections with numerous people, and huge  follow up effort.

To close more sales you need to have a better combination of activities that WOW your prospect over a period of time.



We specialise in business-to-business (B2B) bespoke profitable solutions for growth in the areas of Sales and Marketing.


By blending technology and modern trends with time tested and proven
Sales and Marketing activities.

Relentless Follow Up

You've probably heard of nurturing campaigns, but do you know what this means and are you using it yourself?

Nurturing campaigns refer to a set of emails sent out automatically to follow up your new leads. This is usually intermingled with phone calls made at specific intervals.

Modern technology allows a lot of this to be automated, and if you're not using this for your business you really are missing out. As they say, the money is in the follow up.

How long do you follow up someone? Do you stop after 30 days? Do you remember to continue touching base every 3 months after that?

If you don't have the patience for this, then automated emails were created with you in mind. These can gently nudge your prospects every three months, and coupled with the occasional phone call will build out a nice pipeline of leads.

The best part is it's all done in a system that takes the hassle out of it for you.

Do you regularly speak to your current and past customers? At least every 3 months? And ideally more often.

A newsletter is no longer just for news. These days most companies have diversified to the point where no single customer actually knows everything you do. And why should they! It's not their job to learn about you, it's your job to educate them.

We have a unique method to approaching newsletters which will have you set up with 12 month's worth within 4-6 weeks. A short job and then 10 months of peace, knowing your customers are being taken care of.

Does your product require regular servicing? Do you offer a service that needs to be done at set intervals?

How well do you follow up with your customers to make sure they're rebooking?

A long-term customer care newsletter can take care of this. An excellent example is in trades where some products require a regular clean in order to maintain the warranty. A simple email to remind your customer is all it takes.

Marketing done for you, with you

Marketing Services: Choose What Feels Right

Marketing done for you, with you

Marketing Services: Choose What Feels Right

  • Immediate Need
    to save the day.

    You choose this option when you have a current project and might need a hand to complete it.
    Challenge us with your case and rest assured we'll be able to help.

  • Take the Works
    to prepare your business for the future.

    This 12-month project will allow you to reap the full benefits of a disruptive approach to sales and marketing for good.

  • Best Recommended
    solution for your business.

    When you are not sure, we have a special solution that is needed by most businesses. It is the most likely avenue to bring sales faster now, and in the future.


Got a project?
Let’s talk.

We’re a team of strategic creative thinkers who are enthusiastic about your business growth. Our unique ideas help B2B companies like yours to achieve success by creating robust sales and marketing process that delivers tangible results.

Engaging Smarketing Lab

Is Easy As 1-2-3


1. Consult Call

Our special process allows us to understand your company in a short space of time and recommend the right solution to help you move forward to achieve your goal.


2. Proposal

Forget about a 300 page marketing strategy or 28 page proposal you have no time to read.
We value your time enough to present an easy to follow proposal on a few pages (usually 3-4) and provide assistance to walk you through it, so that you can make an informed decision easier.


3. Do the Doing

After all, someone has to make it happen, and our talented team is here to make it happen. We have many professionals at our fingertips so that any project can be delivered in a timely and organised manner, including yours.

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